Chips & Guacamole

This meal is a fantastic option for when we're visiting or entertaining friends and family and that first round of appetizers hits the coffee table. When everyone starts reaching for a bite I can whip up this meal in less than 5 minutes for our son to enjoy. Even though this meal isn't suitable to store in the fridge a few days in advance, the lime juice does keep the avocado from browning when prepared the same day. I can easily make it in the morning and serve it in the afternoon looking and tasting like it was just freshly made. This meal was inspired by these great keto-friendly tortilla chips from Mr. Tortilla which I highly recommend giving a try!
Silicone Candy Mold (optional)
Fresh Cilantro
Fresh Lime Juice
Cherry Tomatoes
California or Mexican (Hass) Avocados
Coconut Oil
Mr. Tortilla Crunchy Chips - Multigrain and Sea Salt
Using the ingredients for a complete meal listed above, calculate out your recipe in the KetoDietCalculator. I have listed William's recipe at the bottom of this post for reference.

After finalizing your meal using the ingredients above, weigh out the cilantro, tomatoes, avocado and lime juice. Finely chop the cilantro and cherry tomatoes and mix it with your mashed avocado and lime juice.
Weigh and melt the coconut oil and pour it into a silicone candy mold. I recommend placing the mold on a plate or tray for easier transfer. Place the mold in the freezer or fridge to harden. Serve with the coconut "candy" on the side or see my notes for different ways to incorporate it into the meal.
I like to take a big pinch of William's daily salt and add it to both the guacamole and the chips. The chips are good on their own but a little pinch of salt makes them even better!
Coconut oil can be served in a number of ways. If you don't have a silicone mold simply measure out your room temperature coconut oil, drop it onto some parchment paper and freeze/refridgerate. It may not look like a lego brick but it will do the job. You can also take room temperature (or frozen coconut oil chopped into pieces) and add it directly to the guacamole. Similar to our Ice Cream Bar/Yogurt Recipe, it blends right in with the guacamole and your child won't even realize it's in there.

William's Meal Calculations
Chips & Guacamole
Ratio: 3:1
2 g Fresh Cilantro
3.6 g Fresh Lime Juice
8.5 g Cherry Tomatoes
28.9 g California or Mexican (Hass) Avocados
10 g Coconut Oil
16.6 g Mr. Tortilla Crunchy Chips - Multigrain and Sea Salt